Midtronics bat­tery tester

Midtronics offers devices for ana­lysis, mon­it­oring and data man­age­ment spe­cific­ally for sta­tionary plants and trans­port. These devices enable cost-effective main­ten­ance and imme­diate assess­ment of bat­teries in UPS, tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions and power supply applic­a­tions.
With Midtronics instru­ments you have a more effective, cheaper and bat­tery-saving meas­ure­ment method com­pared to the con­ven­tional dis­charge method. Without inter­rupting the oper­a­tion of your system, a pre­cise meas­ure­ment of the con­di­tion of the bat­teries can be made in just a few seconds. This is made pos­sible by the innov­ative testers from Midtronics.
  • CAD-5000 Cell­tron Advantage Midtronics Bat­tery Ana­lyzer

Midtronics Bat­tery Ana­lyzer

The CELL­TRON ADVANTAGE System is a user adjustable, flex­ible, effi­cient and eco­nom­ical solu­tion for this important task that saves time and money.